Julie Poirier Dietz

- A pill helping women to free themselves from the mental burden -
The impactribbles
- [Master Thesis] The perception of beauty in illustration -
Dating Guide in Berlin

Glove project
- A sustainable dating app -
Alone with people around
- an axious book -
Posters, Posters, Posters

- Tatin is a vintage brand selling unique creations and second hand articles -Sammys Berliner Donuts
- Sammy’s Berliner donuts is a renowned café chain in berlin selling homemade vegan doughnuts -
The Founders Night
- Co-creation of an open-mic event for start-up-
Le Belfort
- Le Belfort is a fench restaurant in Berlin -
Sea 2 Sail
- Sea2sail is a sailboat rental company located in Lisbon, Sintra -Voilà :)